Africa Monitor Intelligence
Mozambique: Eni and Exxon Move Ahead in Pemba

ENI Rovuma Basin, representing Mozambique Rovuma Venture (MRV), will move forward with the installation of a floating bridge and a logistics area in Pemba, which will support offshore operations in Area 4. Sources indicate companies will be invited to submit offers. The floating bridge, 120 m long, complemented by a warehouse of 2,800 m2, should be connected to roads that ensure the access of heavy trucks. This structure will have to be ready to operate from the end of the summer of 2024 and for a period of 5-9 years.
These tenders are seen as a pre-launch of the Rovuma LNG project of Area 4, which will exploit the Mamba block, whose gas will feed the “site” of the consortium in Afungi, dependent on the collection of the “force majeure” of Total Energies, operator of Area 1, within the framework of the agreement on the services shared by both consortia.