Africa Monitor Intelligence
Mozambique: Expectations of Containment of Insurgency in Cabo Delgado

The undefined modus operandi has been a problem for the military and security forces, ranging from indiscriminate attacks on property and inhabitants, planting of IEDs against military vehicles and security and forces, along with peaceful approaches and proselytism in locations normally more permeable and less visible. In many cases, collective murders and kidnappings continue to occur less frequently. Indiscriminate violence has been replaced by greater interaction with the inhabitants, propaganda and destruction of the heritage and symbols of the state that they consider “oppressor”.
The lack of operational leadership and coordination between groups in the initial phase was gradually replaced by partial leadership. BONOMADO MACHUDE OMAR (tbc Ibn Omar/ Cheikh Omar), a former FADM marines in Pemba for a short period (2003-2005), originally from Mocimboa da Praia, was the most well-known jihadist “emir”. ALI MABONDO, native of the region, will be from the end of 2023 the new “emir” of the jihadists of Cabo Delgado. READ MORE