Africa Monitor

Africa Monitor Intelligence

Angola: “Rigidity” of Lourenço in Ignoring UNITA

The reversal of the initial opening of the MPLA negotiators followed a “call” to them - VIRGÍLIO FONTES PEREIRA (VFP), REIS JUNIOR, RAUL MARTINS and JÚ MARTINS - from the presidential palace. The holding of municipal elections is one of the priorities on UNITA's political agenda. At the beginning of his first term, 2017, JL promised to carry it out in 2020.

JL's first attitudes/decisions in the exercise of his new mandate are considered "revealing" that he acted influenced by the (not externalized) recognition that he left the recent electoral process doubly weakened - in relation to the opposition and, internally, in the same party – which, in his mind, forces him to safeguard himself and launch himself into a recovery. READ MORE